Monday 29 May 2017

BIG DATA and HADOOP Introduction

The term BIG DATA refers to all the data that is being generated across the globe at an unprecedented rate. This data could be either structure or unstructured. Data drives the modern organizations of the world and hence making sense of this data and unrevealing the various patterns and revealing unseen connections within the vast sea of data becomes critical and a hugely rewarding endeavor indeed. There is a need to convert Big Data into business Intelligence that enterprises can readily deploy. Better data leads to better decision making and an improved way to strategize for organizations regardless of their size, geography, market share, customer segmentation and such other categorizations. Hadoop is the platform of choice for working with extremely large volumes of data. The most successful enterprises of tomorrow will be the one that can make sense of all that data at extremely high volumes and speeds in order to capture newer markets and customer base.

Big Data is typically characterized by 3 V's

Volume: Data is collected from a variety of sources, which may include business transactions, social media and even information from sensors by organizations. Storing these data would have been a problem in the past. But new technologies (such as Hadoop) have made this an easy task.

Velocity: Velocity typically indicates the rapid speed at which data is transferred or received. This can be understood just by visualizing the amount of data in terms of comments, likes, video uploads and tags, that is handled by the social networking sites like Facebook in just one hour.

Variety: Data can be present in any type of formats. It can be in structured format that is numeric data in traditional databases to unstructured documents such as text, video, email, audio, data from financial transactions.

Advantages Of BIG DATA

Big Data is really critical to our life and its emerging as one of the most important technologies in modern world.
  • Using the information kept in the social network like Facebook, the marketing agencies are learning about the responsive for their campaigns, promotions and other advertising mediums.
  • Using the information in the social media like preferences and product perception of their consumers, product companies and retail organizations are planning their production.
  • Using the Data regarding the previous medical history of patients, hospitals are providing better and quick service.

BIG DATA Challenges

The major challenges which are associated with Big Data
  • Capturing Data
  • Storing Data
  • Curation
  • Searching Data
  • Sharing Data
  • Transferring Data
  • Analysis of the previously stored Data
  • Presentation


Hadoop is an Apache open source framework written in java that allows distributed processing of large datasets across clusters of computers using simple programming models. A Hadoop frameworke application works in an environment that provides distributed storage and computationn across clusters of computers. Hadoop is designed to scale up from server to thousands of machines, each offering local computation and storage.

It contains two modules

MapReduce: It can be understood as a parallel programming model used for processing large amounts of any type of data whether it is structured, semi-structured or unstructured on large clusters of commodity hardware.

HDFS: Hadoop Distributed File System is also a part of Hadoop framework, which is used to store and process the datasets. It provides a fault tolerant file system to run on commodity hardware.

Advantages of Hadoop

  • Hadoop framework allows the user to quickly write and test distrbuted systems. It is efficient and it automatic distributes the data and work across the machines and in turn, utilizes the underlying parallelism of CPU cores.
  • Hadoop does not rely on hardware to provide fault tolerance and high availability, rather Hadoop library itself has been designed to detect and handle failures at the application layer.
  • Servers can be added or removed from the cluster dynamically and Hadoop continues to operate without interruption.
  • Hadoop is that apart from being open source, it is compatible on all platforms since it is Java based.

Sunday 28 May 2017

Best Programming Languages for Web Developers

Nowadays, there are numerous Programming Languages are becoming more general and all purpose, but these languages have their specialties and each language has its own advantages. Usually, programming languages can be classified into a few types. However, these languages support multiple programming style. Every year there are number of programming languages are implemented, but few languages are becoming very popular which may used by a professional programmer in their career. 

A programming language is a notation designed to connect instructions to a machine or a computer. Programming languages are used to control the performance of the computer or machine. At present, computer programmer has many choices to choose the language. One must understand that every language has its limitations and the key is to choose a language depending upon your requirements.

Importance of Programming in the modern world

In the modern world everyone ha a smartphone in their hand which is due to the technology revolution. Since then the smartphone industry has grown a lot. So in modern day programming is necessary to make the people to follow a company and increase the competitive edge of a company by providing innovative technologies to people's hand.

Programming is definitely important, because thousands of professors, students and practitioners teaching, learning and practicing the discipline are enough testimony to the fact. Some of the more obvious reasons programming is important are 
  • To interact with machines and computers
  • To harness the power of computing in all human endeavor
  • To automate tasks
  • To create intelligent machines
Nothing is possible without programming in current generation. From the fan to your mobile, everything is built-in programmed.

Types of Programming Languages


Java is one of the most popular programming languages on the internet. Java is an open source language, which means it is available free-of-cost. It can be used for developing a stand-alone program as well as individual applets used in complex websites. It uses MVC (Model View Controller) model frameworks such as spring and struts. Java is used to build applications and platforms for a number of devices, including computers, laptops, gaming consoles, car navigation system, medical monitoring devices, parking meters, lottery terminals and smartphones. It is also a key language for networking, particularly for data centers that store and transfer web-based data.

                                      class simple{
                                        public static void main(String args[]){
                                         system.out.println("Hello Java");


PHP means Hypertext preprocessor. PHP is one of the most generally used languages for web development. PHP is an HTML- embedded scripting languages and it is employed to form dynamic pages promptly. With the assistance of PHP, you can expand a web app very easily. PHP is directly fixed into an HTML source is rather than an external file. PHP controls lots of websites that are Wordpress, Digg and Facebook. It is a fast prototyping language and it is best for developing web-based applications that require maximum functionality with minimum code. It is suited for advertising apps, media, agency, small software business and startup business owners.

                                         echo "Hello World!";


Python is a dynamic language which means that the developer can write and run the code without needing a separate compiler for the purpose. It supports multiple programming paradigms such as object oriented programming, structured programming and even functional programming to a certain extent. It can be easily embedded into existing applications which require certain programming interfaces. It is extensively used as a scripting applications which require certain programming interface. It is extensively used as a scripting language. It is an excellent language for scientific, academic and research level applications that require a quick execution and accurate mathematical calculation.

                         # This program prints Hello, world!

                          print('Hello, world!')


Ruby was developed by Yukihiro Mastsumoto as a programming language to offer a balance of functional programming along with imperative programming. It is a dynamic programming language and supports multiple programming paradigms such as functional, imperative and object oriented model. It is quite similar to Python and offers a programmer friendly interface for development. It is an object oriented language and has somewhat similar syntax like that of Python and Perl. It is an excellent choice for creative designs and small business software.

                                      #!/usr/bin/ruby -w
                                       puts "Hello, Ruby!";


The C Programming language is a standardized programming language. It is one of the most broadly exercised programming languages. C is appreciated for its efficiency and is programming language known for writing system software. It is also used for writing applications. The language was shaped in order to easily compile by employing a simple compiler. It presents minimum possible run time support and supports cross-platform programming.

                                            Declaration part
                                            Executable part
                                             user-defined functions


C++ offers facilities for low-level memory manipulation. C++ is an intermediary level language with object oriented programming facets. It was initially designed to boost the C language. C++ influences chief software like Firefox, Adobe programs. Acknowledged to be the powerful language. C++ is used in very important operating systems, such as windows.

                                              int main()
                                               printf("Hello World\n");
                                              return o;


C# is considered to be a multi-paradigm programming language. It includes imperative, functional, generic, object oriented programming disciplines. The language is enunciated C-sharp and C# is a general purpose language utilized to build up software for Microsoft and Windows platforms.

                                          // Hello.cs
                                          using system;

                                          public class Hello
                                           public static void main()
                                          console.writeLine("Hello, world!");

Friday 26 May 2017

Create a Web page using HTML

Introduction to HTML 

Webpages are written in HTML - a simple scripting language. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.

Hypertext is simply a piece of text that works as a Link.
Markup Language is a way of writing layout information within documents.

Basically an HTML document is a plain text that contains text and nothing else. When a browser opens an HTML file, the browser will look for HTML codes in the text and use them to change the layout, insert images, create links to other pages. Since HTML documents are just text files they can be written in even the simplest text editor. Some of the most popular HTML editors, such as Frontpage or Dreamweaver will let you create pages more or less as you write documents in text editor you are using.

Why need to learn HTML?

It is possible to create webpages without knowing anything about the HTML source behind the page. There are excellent editors on the market that will care of the HTML parts. All you need to do is layout the page. However, if you want to make it above average in webdesign, it is strongly recommended that you understand tags

The most important benefits are

You can use tags the editor does not support.

You can read the code of other people pages and borrow the cool effects.

You can do the work yourself, when the editor simply refuses to create the effects you want.

You can write your HTML by hand with almost any available text editor, including notepad that comes as a standard program with windows. All you need to do is type in the code, then save the document, making sure to put an .html extension or an .htm extension to the file.


While getting started with HTML, you will likely encounter new and often strange terms. Over time you will become more and more familiar with all of them, but the three common HTML terms you should begin with are elements, tags and attributes.


Elements are designators that define the structure and content of objects within a page. Some of the more frequently used elements include multiple levels of heading (identified as <h1> through <h6> elements) and paragraphs (identified as <p> element), the list goes on to include the <a>, <div>, <span>, <strong> and <em> elements and many more.

Elements are identified by the use of less-than and grater-than angle brackets, < >, surrounding the element name. Thus an element look like <a>.


The use of less-than and greater-than angle brackets surrounding an element creates what is known as a tag. Tags most commonly occur in pairs of opening and closing tags.
  • An opening tag marks the beginning of an element. It consists of a less-than sign followed by an element's name and then ends with a greater-than sign <div>.
  •  A closing tag marks the end of an element. It consists of less-than sign followed by a forward slash and the elements name and then ends with a grater-than sign </div>.
The content that falls between the opening and closing tags is the content of that element. An anchor link will have an opening tag <a> and closing tag </a>. What falls between these two tags will be the content of the anchor link.
example: <a>........ </a>


Attributes are properties used to provide additional information about an element. The most common attributes include the id attribute, which identifies an element; the class attribute, which classifies an element; the src attribute, which specifies a source for embeddable content and the href attribute, which provides a hyperlink reference to a linked resource.

Attributes are defined within the opening tag, after an elements name. Generally attributes include a name and a value. The format for these attributes consists of the attribute name followed by an equals sign and then a quoted attribute value.
example: <a href="http//>

HTML Document Structure

HTML documents are plain text documents saved with an .html file extension or .htm extension rather than a .txt file extension. To begin writing HTML, you first need a plain text editor that you are comfortable using. Sadly this does not include Microsoft Word or pages, as those are rich text editors. Two of the more popular plain text editors for writing HTML and CSS are Dreamweaver and Sublime text. Free alternatives also include Notepad++ for windows and Textwrangler for Mac.

All HTML documents have a required structure that includes the following declaration and elements: <!DOCTYPE html>, <html>, <head> and <body>.

The document type declaration informs web browsers which version of HTML is being used and is placed at the very beginning of the HTML document. Because we will be using the latest version of HTML, our document type declaration is simply <!DOCTYPE html>. Following the documents type declaration, the <html> element signifies the beginning of the document.

The HTML document itself begins with <html> and ends with </html>. Inside the <html> element, the <head> element identifies the top of the document, including any metadata(information about the page). The content inside the <head> element is not displayed on the web page itself. Instead, it may include the document title, links to any external files or any other beneficial metadata.

All of the visible content within the webpage will fall within the <body> element.

Example: <!DOCTYPE html>
                 <h1>Welcome to StudentZeal Trainings</h1>
                 <p>Studentzeal is a Educational start up which connects students to industry by providing various technology Trainings .</p>


HTML Headings

HTML headings are defined with the <h1> to <h6> tags.
<h1> defines the most important heading.
<h6> defines the least important heading.

                   <h1>Welcome to StudentZeal Education</h1>
                  <h2>Welcome to StudentZeal Education</h2>
                  <h3>Welcome to StudentZeal Education</h3>
                  <h4>Welcome to StudentZeal Education</h4>
                  <h5>Welcome to StudentZeal Education</h5>
                  <h6>Welcome to StudentZeal Education</h6>

HTML Paragraphs

HTML paragraphs are defined with the <p> tag

                <p>Studentzeal is a Educational start up which connects students to industry by providing various technology Trainings in classroom, online and colleges.</p>
                <p>It is a Technology driven start up where we provide education in a unique way.</p>

HTML Links

HTML Links are defined with <a> tag.
The Links destination is specified in the href attribute.
Attributes are used to provide additional information about HTML elements.

                   href="">Studentzeal </a>

HTML Images

HTML images are defined with the <img> tag.
The source file (src), alternative text (alt), width and height are provided as attributes.

                 <img src="studentzeal.jpg"
                 alt="" width="250"

Save the HTML Page

Save the file on your computer. Select File>Save as in the Notepad menu. Name the file "index.htm".

View the HTML Page in your Browser

Open the saved HTML file in your browser (double click on the file and choose "open with").

Thursday 18 May 2017

What is Ransomware and how to protect system from Ransomware attack

What is Ransomware?

Ransomware is malicious code that is used by cyber_criminals to launch data kidnapping and lockscreen attacks. The motive for Ransomware attacks is monetary and unlike other types of attacks, the victim is usually notified that an exploit has occured and is given instructions for how to recover from the attack. Payment is often demanded in virtual currency to protect the criminals identity.

Ransomware malware can be spread through malicious Email attachments, infected software applications, infected external storage devices and compromised websites. In a lockscreen attack, the malware may change the victim's login credentials for a computing device. Ina data kidnapping attack, the malware may encrypt files on the infected device as well as other connected networks devices.

Ransomware kits on the deep web have allowed cybercriminals with little or no technical background to purchase inexpensive Ransomware as a service programs and launch attacks with approaches to extort digital currency from their victims.

  • The victim may receive a pop-up message or Email warning that if the Ransom is not paid by a certain date, the private key required to unlock the device or decrypt files will be destroyed.
  • The victim may be duped into believing he is the subject of an official inquiry. After being informed that unlicensed software or illegal web content has been found on his computer, the victim is given instructions for how to pay an electronic fine.
  • The attacker encrypts files on infected computed devices and makes money by selling a product that promises to help the victim unlock files and prevent future malware attacks.

Types of Ransomware in circulation:

  • Encryptors, which incorporates advanced encryption algorithms. It's designed to block system files and demand payment to provide the victim with the key that can decrypt the blocked content.
  • Lockers, which locks the victim out of the operating system, making it impossible to access the desktop and any apps or files. The files are not encrypted in this case, but the attackers still ask for a ransom to unlock the infected computer.

Characteristics of Ransomware:

  • It feature sunbreakable encryption, which means that you cannot decrypt the files on your own.
  • It has the ability to encrypt all kinds of files, from documents to pictures, videos, audio files and other things you may have on your PC.
  • It can scramble your file names, so you can't know which data was affected. This is one of the social engineering tricks used to confuse and coerce victims into payment the Ransom.
  • It will add a different extension to your files, to sometimes signal a specific type of Ransomware strain.
  • It will display an image or a message that lets you know your data has been encrypted and that you have to pay a specific sum of money to get it back.
  • It requests payments in Bitcoins because this crypto-currency cannot be attacked by cyber security researches or law enforcements agencies.
  • Usually, the Ransom payments have a time limit, to add another level of psychological constraint to this extortion scheme. Going over the deadline typically means that the Ransom will increase, but it can also mean that the data will be destroyed and lost forever.
  • It uses a complex set of evasion techniques to go undetected by traditional antivirus.
  • It can spread to other PCs connected to a local network, creating further damage.
  • It frequently features data exfiltration capabilities, which means that it can also extract data from the affected computer and send it to a server controlled by cyber criminals, encrypting files isn't always the endgame.
  • It sometimes includes geographical targeting, meaning the Ransom note is translated into the victims language, to increase the chances for the Ransom to be paid.

Top Targets for Ransomware creators and Distributors

Cybercriminals soon realized that Companies and Organizations were far more profitable tan users, so they went after the bigger targets like Schools, Hospitals, City councils, Police departments etc.

Ransomware creators target Home users:

Because Home users don't have data backups. 

Because They have little or no cyber security education, which means they will click on almost anything.

Because they lack baseline cyber protection.

Because they don't keep their Software up to date.

Because most Home users still rely exclusively on antivirus to protect them from all threats, which is frequently ineffective in spotting and stopping Ransomware.

Ransomware creators target Business:

Because attackers know that a successful infection can cause major business disruptions, which will increase their chances of getting paid.

Because computer systems in companies are often complex and prone to vulnerabilities that can be exploited through technical means.

Because Ransomware can affect not only computers but also servers and cloudbased file sharing systems, going deep into a business core.

Because cyber criminals know that business would rather not report an infection for fear or legal consequences and brand damage.

Because small businesses are often unprepared to deal with advanced cyber attacks and have a relaxed BYOD(Bring Your Own Device) policy.

Ransomware creators target public institutions:

Because budget cuts and mismanagement frequently impact the cyber security depatments.

Because a successful infection has a big impact on conducting usual activities, causing huge disruptions.

Because public institutions often use outdated software and equipment, which means that their computer systems are packed with security holes just begging to be exploited.

What kind of files are being Targeted?

commonly used office file extensions (.ppt, .doc, .docx, .xlsx, .sxi)

Less common office formats (.sxw, .odt, .hwp)

Archive and media files (.zip, .rar, .tar, bz2, .mp4, .mvk)

Emails and Email databases, Database files.

Developers source code and project files (.php, .java, .cpp, .pas, .asm)

Files used by graphic designers, artists, photographers and virtual machine files.

How to protect your system from Ransomware attack

Apply the patches to the windows systems recommended by Microsoft security Bulletin MS17-010.

Maintain updated antivirus software.

Keep and regularly update an offline database of important files. Ideally, backups of data should be maintained on separate devices.

Organizations connecting to the internet Edge or perimeter network devices should block their SMB ports or disable.

Users and administrators of older Windows systems such as windows XP, Vista, server 2008 and server 2003 should get an update to newer version. 

Sunday 14 May 2017

Difference Between Object and Class in Java

Java is one the most popular Programming Language used to create Web Applications and Platforms. It was designed for flexibility, allowing developers to write code that would run on any machine, regardless of architecture or platform. Java is used to build applications and platforms for number of devices, including computers, laptops, gaming consoles, car navigation systems, medical monitoring devices, parking metrics, lottery terminals and smartphones. It is also a key Language for networking, particularly for data centers that store and transfer Web-based data.

Another reason , which made Java popular is that it is an Object Oriented Programming Language. Being an Object Oriented Programming Language the concepts of Java are relatable and much flexible, system modular and extensible Programming Language. Java strongly suggests the best practices of OOP design and promotes it's correct usage. Once you have knowledge of key OOPS concept like Object, Class, abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism  and inheritance you can use all those with Java.

What is Class

In Java everything is encapsulated under classes. Class is the core of Java Language. Classe can be defined as a template or blueprint that describe the behaviors of a particular entity. A Class defines new data type. Once defined this new type can be used to create Object of that type. Object is an instance of Class, you may also call it as physical existence of a logical template class.

A class is declared using Class keyword. A class contain both data and code that operate on that data. The data or variables defined within a Class are called Instance Variables and the code that operates on this data is known as methods.
  • A Class can have public or default access specifier.
  • It can be either abstract, final or concrete (normal class).
  • It must have the class keyword, class must be followed by a legal identifier.
  • It may optionally extend one parent class. By default, it will extend java.lang.object.
  • It may optionally implement any number of comma-separated interfaces.
  • The class's variables and methods are declared within a set of curly braces {}.
  • Each .java source file may contain only one public class. A source file may contain any number of default visible classes.
  • Finally the source file name must match the public class name and it must have a .java suffix.   

Syntax to Declare a Class

Suppose, Student is a Class and student's name, roll number, age will be it's property. Let's see the Syntax

                              class student.
                              string name;
                              int rollno;

What is an Object

An Object is nothing but a self-contained component which consists of methods and properties to make a particular type of data useful. In general words, An entity that has state and behavior is known as an Object e.g table, pen, bike, car, chair, building etc. It can be physical or logical (tangible and intangible). The example of intangible Object is Banking System.

Objects determines the behavior of the Class. When you send a message to an Object, you are asking the Object to invoke or execute one of it's methods. From a Programming point of view, an object can be a data structure, a variable or a function. It has a memory location allocated. The object is designed as class hierarchies.  

An Object has Three Characteristics:

  • State: Which represents data of an object.
  • Behavior: Which represents the behavior of an object such as deposit, withdraw.
  • Identity: Object identity is typically implemented via a unique ID. The value of the ID is not visible to the external user. But, it is used internally by the JVM to identify each object uniquely.

For e.g: Bike is an object. It's name is Pulsar 150, color is black known as state. It is used to Ride , so riding is it's behavior.

Syntax to declare an Object

                              class student.
                               string name;
                               int rollno;

when a reference is made to particular student with it's property then it becomes an Object, physically existence of student class.

                              student std=new student();

The above statement std is instance/object of student Class. Here the new keyword creates an actual physical copy of the object and assign it to the std variable. It will have physical existence and get memory in help area. The new operator dynamically allocates memory for an object.

To Learn in detail about Java Programming Language and it's OOPS concepts, get Registered and Join the Course.

Training in core Java 

For who want to create applications using Java Programming and Computing Language, a core Java certification Training is must. StudentZeal offers core Java Online and Classroom Training to Students who are keen to work as an Application Developer. This Training Provides a basic understanding of the Java Language.

Saturday 13 May 2017

Why need to Learn a Java Programming Language?

Importance of Java Programming Language

Java is one the most popular Programming Language used to create Web Applications and platforms. It was designed for flexibility, allowing developers to write code that would run on any machine, regardless of architecture or platform. Java is used to build applications and platforms for number of devices, including computers, laptops, gaming consoles, car navigation systems, medical monitoring devices, parking metrics, lottery terminals and smartphones. It is also a key Language for networking, particularly for data centers that store and transfer Web- based data.

Java is used to create miniature, dynamic programs that run alongside or embedded within Web pages. These programs are called applets and can be used to display maps, weather, games or other interactive widgets or tools on a Web page.

Java is Free

We love free and open source software. Open JDLK is a free and open source implementations of Java Programming Language. Being an open source Programming Language, it's platform independent across Operating System Environments. Also, you don't need to pay penny to write applications on Java.

Java Is Everywhere

Java Programming Language is Omnipresent. Due to it's stability and scalability, you can find Java on mobiles, desktops, large scale applications. The same can also be said about Java Programmers who easily outnumber other professionals. Java is also gaining big in the field of Internet of Things.

Lots of Job Opportunities

Programmers with a sound knowledge of Java are in Great Demand. With a large installed base, this widely used Programming Language continues to create jobs in the tech industry. Additionally, the popularity of Android apps has brought along countless opportunities for an Android developer who write native apps in Java.

Java is Easy to Learn

Most of us pick Java as our first Programming Language as it is easy to Learn. With an English like syntax, Java could be learnt in a short span of time and used to build useful applications. Java Language have unique advantages for developers and end users.

To Learn the Full Course of Java from StudentZeal, get Registered

Java is an Object Oriented Programming Language

Another reason, which made Java popular is that it is an Object Oriented Programming Language. Developing OOPs application is much easier and it also helps to keep modular, flexible and extensible. 

Being an Object Oriented Programming Language, the concepts of Java are relatable and much easier. This property makes Java a flexible, system modular and extensible programming Language. Java strongly suggests the best practices of OOP design and promotes it's correct usage. 

Once you have knowledge of key concepts like Abstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism and Inheritance, you can use all those with Java. Java itself embodies many best practices and design pattern in it's library. Being an Object Oriented Programming Language, the concepts of Java are relatable and much easier.

Rich set of APIs

Java beats other Programming Languages in the category of rich application programming interfaces (APIs). The Programmers have the option to use a variety of Java APIs to accomplish common development tasks without writing additional code. Some of these APIs are shared by large enterprises, while others are uploaded by members of the community. Based on their requirements, the developers have option to use APIs for Database connection, input/output, networking, utilities, security and XML parsing. They can further combine these APIs with various open source Java libraries to boost the applications functionality and performance without putting extra time and effort.

Facilitates Embedded Computing

Java as originally designed for embedded programming. But many developers prefer C and Python over Java while developing embedded applications for systems with constrained memory. They now have the option to take advantage of the Java ME platform to standard run time environment for building a variety of embedded application. In addition to including built-in network protocols, robust security and a flexible user interface, the micro edition of the Java platform also supports a wide variety of mobile and embedded devices. The applications developed using Java ME can run on smartphones, tablets, sensors, gateways, printers and personal digital assistants. These features will encourage more developers to use Java ME in future for embedded computing.

Platform Independent

Now-a-days Programmers have to write applications by targeting many devices and platforms. So they look for a Programming Language that enables them to write the application code once and deploys the application code across multiple platforms without putting extra effort. The Programmers can simply compile the Java code once into bytecode and deploy the bytecode across many platforms without compiling the code again. The bytecode makes it easier for Programmers to deploy the application code on any platform that supports Java. Also, they can easily port the application from one platform to another without compiling the code repeatedly.

Powerful Development Tools

The Powerful IDEs available for Java have played a key role in taking Java to the top level. Eclipse and Netbeans have made coding in Java a pleasant experience. Apart from helping you in the code writing process, they also offer a high-level of debugging assistance to the programmers.

Supports Internet of Things

Java is one of the Programming Languages that currently support Internet of things. The project Jigsaw aims to make the Programming Language run on a wider variety of small and portable devices. However, the project still aims to maintain Java's scalability, networking, maintaining, security, performance and features while making it run on smaller and newer devices. That is why, project Jigsaw has already proposed a design and standard module system for the Java SE platform to accomplish it's objectives. Once the proposal is implemented, programmers will use Java for writing variety of Internet of Things applications.

Robust Security Features

The security features provided by Java make it easier for Programmers to Develop large and enterprise applications. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) evaluates the intermediate byte code to prevent the application from performing unsafe operations. The developers can further avail the advanced security management features of Java to prevent the untrusted byte code from accessing specific features and APIs by running them in a sand-boxed environment. At the same time, the developers can also avail the robust security APIs provided by Java platform, along with performing user authentication and using communication protocols, that is why developer trust Java more than other languages.

To Learn Full Course of Java, here is the best option StudentZealget Registered and Join the Course.

Friday 12 May 2017

How to Promote your Business by using Digital Marketing Concepts

What is Digital Marketing?

It is the promotion of products or brands via one or more forms of electronic media. It is extremely important not only because of its rapid growth but also because it is essentially the future of marketing. Many people think that traditional promotion will soon be replaced entirely.
The new methods are faster, more practical and versatile than the old traditional ones. Some of the most common forms of digital marketing are like
  • Website
  • Blogs
  • Online Marketing
  • PPC (pay-per-click)
  • Email marketing
  • Social media marketing (Facebook , Youtube , Twitter , Pintrest)
  • Mobile marketing(SMS , MMS etc..)

Why Digital Marketing is important for Business?

Any business requires promotion for its growth. Promotion involves communicating the existence of your business to maximum number of people and also to convince them to buy your products and services.
Television, Radio , Newsprint advertisements, Billboards are some of the traditional methods of business promotion.
The internet is the most powerful medium for business as billions of people have access to it and they are the potential audiences to receive communications regarding your products and services.

In this blog, we will see the various concepts and tools in Digital Marketing and how Digital Marketing is helpful for Business. we give basic concepts and tools in Digital Marketing. After which you have to practically implement the same to develop business.

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Here are the concepts of Digital Marketing to promote Business 

Build your Website -

Different kinds of websites have different purpose depending on who the intended audience is. some websites are geared towards selling products and other websites are  geared towards providing practical information.

Building a website is the first step in your Organisation Digital Marketing Journey. The whole Digital Marketing project revolves around the website. The Website gives the basic information
about your Company and its product and services and thus is your first advertisement post in the digital world. The website can also collect leads of people interested in your product or services. Hence with a website you can potentially reach the millions of visitors who visit the internet. Internet users visiting your website become aware of your products or services and can contact you in case of any requirement. Thus you can increase your marketing reach.

Get a Domain Name -

The first step in Building a Website is the registering your Domain name. If your business is well established, your brand name can be your domain name, if it is available. If its a new business, you can create an innovative and catchy domain for internet domain names where you can register your domain name for a fee. Getting a domain name registered is like getting your own business card. A person makes a number of evaluations about you on reading your visitors card. Similarly your domain name reveals so much about you and your website. Get a right domain name and get a good first impression.

Host your Website -

When you make a Website and want other people to see it, you need to publish it with a web hosting service.

web hosting services work by storing your  website files in high-powered computers (web servers) connected to a very fast network. When someone types in your web address (such as the internet connects to the web server holding your website files and then transfers your website information back to their computer. From they can surf and view the pages of your website. There are various hosting services providers such as or One of the crucial factors of selecting a website hosting service is the page loading speed. Page loading speed is crucial for the performance of the website. It also improves your SEO Rankings in Google Search resulting in improved search result ranking of your website.

Create Content and Design the Website -

Once you have settled your domain name and web host, the next step is to design the website and create content for it. A well written and relevant content will become popular on the internet. So you have to create good content to adorn your website. Content is the single most important factor in the success of your website. To begin with WordPress, which is the best open source can be used to create for your website.

WordPress has built in plug-ins for almost all website functionalities. Some of them are creating Posts, Creating Web pages, Back up data, Managing Comments, Titles, Sub titles, Bold letters, Fonts, adding links, pictures, videos, adding social share icons, adding meta descriptions, snippet views, adding tags, creating users and giving them permissions (read or write), managing subscriptions, analytics, improving performance, creating a mobile version of the website, SEO etc. 

WordPress also has several themes for different types and uses of websites and also customization for those themes.

Thus WordPress helps you create a website without knowing web designing and development. Almost 30% of all internet is powered by WordPress. WordPress is also user friendly to use with simple drag and drop functionality. With the rise in the mobile usage for accessing internet, it is necessary to have the website optimized for a mobile device, smartphone, tablets. Since the display sizes of a desktop, smart phone and tablet are different, we require to develop a mobile website. A website which optimizes itself for different devices and gives a good browsing experience is called a Responsive website.

Having created a website we now delve deeper into Digital Marketing. Your website is the digital asset of your business, but it will be useful only if the people visit it. Increasing the traffic to your website is an important activity in Digital Marketing.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) -

In today's competitive market, SEO is more important than ever. Search engines serve millions of users per day looking for answers to their questions or for solutions to their products. If you have a website, SEO can help your business grow and meet the business objectives. So whenever the keywords are typed, your website should show up at the top of the list. The techniques used to improve your search engine rankings are collectively called Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

example: Search Engine results for the keyword "cuisine"

Since these results are naturally obtained they are called as Organic search Results.
The majority of search engines users are more likely to click on one of the top 5 suggestions in the results pages. SEO is good the social promotion of your website. people who find your website by searching Google or Yahoo are more likely to promote it on Facebook, Twitter or other social media channels.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) -

SEM is the entire set of techniques and strategies used to generate more visitors from search engines to your business or marketing website. SEM seeks to promote website by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages through the use of paid search, contextual advertising and organic placement.

Paid Search refers to the text ads that show up in search engines such as Google or Yahoo, which are targeted to a user's keyword search. Paid search is very targeted advertising and when supported with strong analytics, can be very useful in determining ROI. Paid search can also be referred to as Search Marketing, Pay-Per-Click or Cost-per-click advertising.

Email Marketing - 

Email Marketing is a great platform to promote your business to your customers about services, products, events or business updates. Compared to most online channels Email Marketing is relatively inexpensive, a business of all sizes can get started and see the benefits.
Recent statistics show that 80% of consumers open emails from companies, 44% of email recipients made at least one purchase last year based on a promotional email. That email marketing is still growing, but there are still many businesses unsure about email marketing and have not explored the use of email within their marketing.

Social Media Marketing -

Social media marketing refers to marketing via social media networks in order to achieve marketing communication and branding goals. Social media marketing primarily covers activities involving social sharing of content, videos, and images for marketing purposes as well as paid media advertising.

The importance of social media for web traffic are

  • Social media posts can be used to drive targeted traffic
  • Using social media for business boosts your site's SEO
  • Social media is the best tool to connect with consumers and industry leaders.
  • Increases Brand Recognition
  • More opportunities to convert
  • High conversation rates

Google Analytics -

Google Analytics is a very important digital marketing tool. It allows you to measure the results of individual campaigns in real-time, compare the data tp previous periods and so much more. Here are some of the reasons that you should be using Google Analytics to measure the success of your website.
Analytics shows you data from all channels that are directing traffic to your website, including

  • Organic Search (SEO)
  • Paid Search (PPC)
  • Social Media
  • Direct Traffic

It's all good knowing how many people have visited your site and where they came from. Google Analytics has a number of features that allows you to review how well users are interacting with your website and content.

Final Word:

One of the main benefits of conducting your marketing digitally is the ease with which results can be tracked and monitored. Rather than conducting expensive customer research, you can quickly view customer response rates and measure the success of your marketing campaign in real-time.